Monday, September 9, 2024

7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Holiday Inn, Fargo 


NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Keynote Speakers

Jessica Grossmeier, PhD, MPH Addressing the Heart and Soul of Employee Well-being

Employee well-being has been deeply challenged, highlighting the opportunity for employers to embrace a holistic approach to workforce well-being. According to research, even though 85% of surveyed employers feel they actively listen to the needs of employees, only 51% of employees agree. As organizations increase their efforts to address workplace culture and create a more engaging employee experience in a competitive market for talent, the time is now to revisit well-being strategies and programs to meet workforce needs and desires. McKinsey research shows that having meaningful work is one of the key drivers for holistic health, which encompasses physical, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions. This session presents a framework for well-being grounded in research and supports a best-practice approach to workforce well-being.

As a result of this session, attendees will learn:

• Why a holistic approach to well-being is needed to meet emerging business needs.

• How to address well-being in a more holistic way for themselves and others through an evidence-based framework.

• What practical strategies they can implement to promote a stronger sense of purpose, social connection, and connection to something bigger than themselves.

Galen Emanuele Building Healthier Teams Through Intentional Behavior and Workplace Culture

Join us for an interactive session to level up your workplace wellness approach through intentional culture and employee experience. This session will shift the way you show up, communicate, understand culture in your organization, and impact every relationship in your life. Through engaging skill-building exercises, you will laugh and learn with fellow attendees as you experience the power of a “Yes, and” culture on a team’s performance, mindset, and engagement. Learn how to enhance your communication, leadership, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence by applying the five core tenets of improv: Saying Yes, Listening & Being Present, Making Others Look Good, Embracing Change, and Choosing Positivity. This session offers practical tools to foster a healthier, more cohesive workplace environment through an intentional, behavior-based culture.

Learning Objectives:

• Utilize the tools of "Yes, And” to communicate and influence others more effectively, enhancing workplace wellness and team cohesion.

• Establish a collaborative team environment that elicits higher engagement, performance, and discretionary effort through intentional culture-building.

• Elevate emotional intelligence and self-awareness to enhance communication and relationship-building within your organization.

Galen transforms the way teams and organizations approach and establish culture, and how humans perform together and impact each other at work. His unique content is full of actionable tools to massively improve team dynamics, communication, EQ, and generate high-level performance and engagement.


7:30 a.m.Registration and Vendor Fair

8:30 a.m.Welcome, Opening Remarks

Pete Seljevold, Worksite Wellness Administrator, BCBSND
Jacinta Riedinger, Manager of Wellness Services, BCBSND
Susan Mormann, ND DHHS

8:45 a.m.Keynote - Jessica Grossmeier

Addressing the Heart and Soul of Employee Well-being

10:00 a.m.Break and BCBSND Worksite Wellness Vendor Fair

10:30 a.m.Breakout Session 1

Attend one of our powerful breakout sessions

11:30 a.m.Breakout Session 2

Attend one of our powerful breakout sessions

12:15 p.m.Lunch and BCBSND Worksite Wellness Vendor Fair

1:15 p.m.Breakout Session 3

Attend one of our powerful breakout sessions

2:10 p.m.Movement Break

2:15 p.m.Keynote – Galen Emanuele

Building Healthier Teams Through Intentional Behavior and Workplace Culture

3:30 p.m.Closing Comments and Adjourn

Breakout Speakers

Dr. Jill Nelson Building Resilience through Courage, Compassion, and Connection

Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is showing up in the face of uncertainty and fear. In this session, you will learn how practicing the skills of courage, compassion, and connection can make you more resilient and help you live the life you always imagined.

Learning objectives:

1. Participants will understand the basic tenets of courage and how to be more courageous.

2. Participants will learn how to practice self-compassion and the importance of doing so.

3. Participants will recognize the healing power of connection and the role connection plays in increasing well-being.

About Jill: Dr. Jill Nelson is a speaker, higher education leader, and Professor of Counseling at NDSU. She is a Board-Certified Coach (BCC), consultant, and researcher with expertise in shame and shame resilience, well-being practices, and leadership.

Scott Dinwiddie Unlocking the Value of Mental Health Benefits

Are your employees widely using and benefiting from the mental health resources you provide? Are you seeing value returned to your business? In this engaging session, we’ll explore inspiring stories and innovative ideas other employers have used to drive meaningful change in the way employees perceive and engage with mental health benefits.

Attendees can expect to leave with:

1. An understanding of the key constraints that limit the value of your mental health benefits

2. Inspirational stories and ideas illustrating how other companies have increased engagement and value with mental health benefits

3. An actionable plan you can bring back to help your organization do the same

About Scott: Scott Dinwiddie is a Director of Client Success at Learn to Live where he brings over 10 years of experience partnering with employers to create thriving workplaces by serving their employees’ basic human needs.

Mary Suomala Folkerds Knowing and Living Your Values

We all have values that shape us, whether we take time to think about them or not. And some of our stress and anxiousness comes from times when how we budget our time and energy do not match up with our values. Knowing your core values shapes your priorities. Often significant moments of disappointment or being let down are because of a value of yours that has been violated. Mary will lead you through a core values exercise that helps you name your values so that you can see if you are making decisions based on those values or fighting against them. This exercise will help you find peace of mind and more clarity to guide your decisions.

About Mary: Lead Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in South Moorhead. She has been at Good Shepherd for 12 years. She recently returned from a 400+ mile pilgrimage through Portugal and Spain on the Camino de Santiago.

Jacinta Riedinger & Tara Roberts Elevate wellbeing at your organization – A new approach.

Team leaders hold the key to sparking a “middle-out movement” across the organization by serving as “multipliers” of well-being that can activate and invigorate the entire workforce. This session will focus on how three BCBSND customers are taking a new approach by equipping managers to create a culture of wellbeing at their organizations. Panelists include; Brett Olson from RDO, Heather Ostrowski from Gate City Bank and Janna Curry from West Acres.

Amanda Woidyla- North Dakota Financial Literacy Program Employee Finances and Their Impact on Your Bottom Line

Financial struggles for your employees may be affecting your workplace with lost productivity and higher turnover. You can help your employees recognize the impact of financial stress on their personal and work lives, understand their money personality and how it affects their spending habits, and increase their knowledge to make good financial decisions.

About Amanda: Amanda Woidyla is a University and Student Development Coordinator on Bank of North Dakota’s Education Outreach and Financial Literacy team. She coordinates College Application Month, leads FAFSA events throughout North Dakota, and now hosts financial literacy presentations and workshops on a variety of topics. She’s been with BND for 8 years.

Julie Docter PT, DPT Supporting Employees with Musculoskeletal (MSK) Care

Are your employees struggling with MSK conditions like back pain, joint pain, or pelvic health issues? These conditions can significantly impact daily life, productivity, and even mental health.

Learn how Sword Health can help:

1. Predict: Identify employees at risk of MSK problems before they worsen.

2. Engage: Provide personalized support and education to address concerns early.

3. Address: Offer effective solutions to improve pain, function, and overall well-being.

About Julie: Julie Docter served as a licensed physical therapist focused on addressing musculoskeletal conditions in private practice and digital care for 15 years. She has held different roles at Sword Health and now serves  in Health Plan Partnerships and her responsibilities include program training and identifying value proposition and differentiators for health plan sales and account teams, managing pipeline growth of ASO accounts and assuring Sword-Health Plan Partnership success.

Registration Information

  • Individual registration to the Worksite Wellness Summit on September 9th in Fargo, ND. Includes access to transformational keynotes, breakout sessions, and BCBSND Worksite Wellness Vendor Fair.

Breakout Sessions - Choose 3*

  • Building Resilience through Courage, Compassion, and Connection

    Building Resilience through Courage, Compassion, and Connection

    Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is showing up in the face of uncertainty and fear. In this session, you will learn how practicing the skills of courage, compassion, and connection can make you more resilient and help you live the life you always imagined.

  • Unlocking the Value of Mental Health Benefits

    Unlocking the Value of Mental Health Benefits

    Are your employees widely using and benefiting from the mental health resources you provide? Are you seeing value returned to your business? In this engaging session, we’ll explore inspiring stories and innovative ideas other employers have used to drive meaningful change in the way employees perceive and engage with mental health benefits.

  • Knowing and Living Your Values

    Knowing and Living Your Values

    We all have values that shape us, whether we take time to think about them or not. And some of our stress and anxiousness comes from times when how we budget our time and energy do not match up with our values. Knowing your core values shapes your priorities. Often significant moments of disappointment or being let down are because of a value of yours that has been violated. Mary will lead you through a core values exercise that helps you name your values so that you can see if you are making decisions based on those values or fighting against them. This exercise will help you find peace of mind and more clarity to guide your decisions.

  • Elevate wellbeing at your organization – A new approach.

    Elevate wellbeing at your organization – A new approach.

    Team leaders hold the key to sparking a “middle-out movement” across the organization by serving as “multipliers” of well-being that can activate and invigorate the entire workforce. This session will focus on how three BCBSND customers are taking a new approach by equipping managers to create a culture of wellbeing at their organizations. Panelists include; Brett Olson from RDO, Heather Ostrowski from Gate City Bank and Janna Curry from West Acres.

  • North Dakota Financial Literacy Program

    North Dakota Financial Literacy Program

    Financial struggles for your employees may be affecting your workplace with lost productivity and higher turnover. You can help your employees recognize the impact of financial stress on their personal and work lives, understand their money personality and how it affects their spending habits, and increase their knowledge to make good financial decisions.

  • The Value Behind a Full Digital MSK Care Suite to Predict, Engage and Address Conditions at Every Acuity Level

    The Value Behind a Full Digital MSK Care Suite to Predict, Engage and Address Conditions at Every Acuity Level

    With 1 in 2 adults suffering from an MSK condition and 1 in 3 females living with a pelvic health condition, employees are dealing with pain, loss of productivity, and possibly even depression and/or anxiety. Learn the impact education, awareness and timing have on redefining member outcomes in pain and function. Explore how the future of this care delivery model will transform and bring back confidence to highly prevalent conditions.


Billing Information

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